What’s with all the Grant Morrison hate??? That dude has a lot of talent and some of the best selling and critical acclaimed comics? Did he do something I missed?


  • Didn’t bother to re-read the story he was drawing on for Damian and so invented a rape scene out of nowhere while bringing it back into continuity 
  • Says ‘everything ever is canon’ but picks and chooses what’s in his canon despite those words, along with fundamentally misunderstanding what Crisis on Infinite Earths even was and did for the DC verse
  • Destroyed Talia al Ghul’s nuanced and complex characterization and reduced her to a one dimensional evil rapist who had her son murdered
  • Pick and choose some aspects of Jason Todd’s Pre-Crisis character (a completely different person, see above second point) to drop anvils all over a ‘red headed step-child’ trope he clearly felt very clever about.
  • Destroyed Jason’s character some more while doing it
  • Had a 10 year old boy murdered in cold blood as he left DC because he didn’t want people playing with his toys or something (i’m being a bit facetious but apparently he wasn’t happy about other writers making Damian a more sympathetic character)
  • Prescribed to the idea that Batman had transcended the need for human emotions 
  • Doesn’t really understand Batman at all, really, continuing the weird fanboy idea of Batman as a grimdark hero with no earthly ties rather than a deeply complex and traumatized man who despite his insistence that he can work alone, continues making ties and clinging to them. 

My tag regarding him was facetious, but whatever technical skill and other good things he did (His Dick and Damian run was popular, but I don’t leave that solely up to him since I’m fairly sure that decision was editorial, he gets points for execution though), for me, do not outweigh the mess he made of late Post-Crisis Batman. 

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