
“After you killed Hokuto and vanished from my life, I wanted to kill the memory of you that lived in my heart. I thought that if I erased your existence from within me, I could go on and live my life. But I… I couldn’t do it… Despite it all, if nothing more, I wanted you to be the one to end my life.”

Happy Crying Birthday to @sakurazuka-subaru


THIS. This was painful. Seriously, re-reading and going over the final moments of Seisub is so freaking emotionally draining. *sighs* Hope you people like this… now, excuse me while I try to gather the pieces of my re-shattered heart. 

There are my other photo mash-ups on X/1999: 1, 2, and 3. I also did one with K: Project. ^_^


What are your thoughts on loneliness re: Subaru & Seishirou? And more generally, in Tokyo Babylon & X?

seishirosakurazuka: mulling this over I’m torn between a long thoughtful answer and the instinctual one, so I’ll start with what’s short: I think loneliness, or more specifically isolation, is everything tbx is made of especially with respect to subaru and seishiro. the longer version begins with what “loneliness” means in this context, which I have… Continue reading What are your thoughts on loneliness re: Subaru & Seishirou? And more generally, in Tokyo Babylon & X?