The foxhole court: a summary

foxwaycourt: Neil: gotta fight Riko Kevin: Neil no Neil: neil yes

Lmao it’s me again im so sorry, but just imagine Neil as a pissed off ghost spirit who won’t stop possessing Kevin

unkingly: ( also for @fassmember, who asked for more ghost Neil! ) “Since when,” Andrew asked, slow and easy and not an inch away from Kevin’s face, “do you actively provoke Riko Moriyama?” They were on the way back from Kathy’s show. Kevin, fists clenched around his knees, sat in the back seat next to… Continue reading Lmao it’s me again im so sorry, but just imagine Neil as a pissed off ghost spirit who won’t stop possessing Kevin

Kevin started to say something Neil knew would be negative and dismissing. Neil reached behind Andrew and popped Kevin in the back of the head to shut him up. Matt choked on a laugh and tried unsuccessfully to pass it off as a cough. Kevin froze for a startled second, then sent Neil a scathing look.

“No one wants to hear that right now,” Neil said.

“If you hit me again,” Kevin started.

Andrew cut in with a casual, “You’ll what?

The moment Kevin (and the rest of the foxes) realize/s he is not Andrew’s favorite any more 🙃😌😂 (via otpsandsass)


“Let Riko be King,” Kevin said, with the exaggerated enunciation of the thoroughly sloshed. “Most coveted, most protected. He’ll sacrifice every piece he has to protect his throne. Whatever. Me?” Kevin gestured again, meaning to indicate himself but too drunk to get his hand higher than his waist. “I’m going to be the deadliest piece on the board.” “Queen”
-The King’s Men, Nora Sakavic