
My piece for @giveyourbacktome-zine huge thanks to everyone who bought it, u guys rock!!! and you still can buy it here  (all benefits will go to the UK charity The Albert Kennedy Trust which support British LGBT teens who are homeless or live in a hostile environment)


I am pretty sure we are now allowed to post our full works for the @giveyourbacktome-zine​ ​so here are the five pages I drew for it! I really wanted to draw the boys with matching jackets so I choose the airport scene from The King’s Men and hope I did it justice!!

Also thanks to everyone who bought the zine! So much money was made for charity which is amazing coming from such a small fandom!! 💛


Working on this zine was by far the most fun I’ve had while drawing. I’m incredibly proud of how this project turned out so consider buying here! All proceeds go to charity 



The day Neil Josten gave keys of his own to Andrew.

Basically it happened like that:
Me: Hey I just signed for my flat and I was almost crying, picturing Neil signing Neil Josten for his own flat with Andrew.
@still-waiting-for-godot : neil being able to give the extra key to andrew “you gave me a key and called it home, it’s only fair to return the favor”
me (crying) : I need to draw this now.

Have feels with me fellow friends it’s free.

Your fics are beautiful and amazing. How would you feel about time travel + TFC?

wilsherejack: Because magic likes its arbitrary ages, it starts when Neil turns eighteen, an odd twisting sensation in his stomach pulling him downward and then— He’s in the same place. Or—no, he’s not. It’s still the Millport locker room, but the lockers are the wrong color, and the room is full of guys in soccer… Continue reading Your fics are beautiful and amazing. How would you feel about time travel + TFC?

best case scenario: it’s nothing.
he dropped his bag to help someone out,
it got moved out of the way,
he’ll turn up and start bitching about tears and dirt stains,
you’ll tell him to shut the hell up, even though he won’t listen,
he never listens,
and you’ll hang on to every word as he keeps talking.
(this is unlikely. he wouldn’t set that bag down,
wouldn’t abandon any of his things even if
the world was burning)

next best scenario: someone stole it.
he’ll be battered and bruised,
because no one got that bag without a fight,
and you’ll tell him what a fucking idiot he is.
he’ll make some joke,
he always does,
and you’ll remind him again of how much you hate him.
he’ll remind you of how much you don’t.
(this is slightly less unlikely, but be realistic—
he wouldn’t give up any of his things even if he were burning)

okay, next best: he ran.
“best” is a relative term here,
“best” implies it’s anything good but really your chest
has never felt so fractured and the ground is tilting and everything is
maybe he ran. is that why he asked you to let him go?
why he insisted he be set free?
(this is even less unlikely. it borders on likely, be honest.
he’d throw all his things to the wind if he felt like he was burning)

next best: he was taken.
you know he’s perched on a throne of lies,
buried in his own secrets of a past he tried to torch.
he isn’t safe, he never was, never was going to be,
no matter what you had to say about it.
stopshakingstopshakingstopshaking thisisn’thelping—
you hate him. you hate him so much. you hate
that you hurt for him.
(this is likely. this is very likely.
he’d never let his things go unless you were burning.)

worst case scenario: he’s dead.

if you were really amazing you wouldn’t have let him go // es (via reynclds07)