No lie all the discourse has me clinging to my old fandom of Death Note. At least back then nobody argued like this about ships, if it were around today people would be fighting about Nears age or some shit and I hate it. I don’t want to be in new fandoms anymore with all the fighting.

bramblepatch: thefandompolice: accidentalyandere: thefandompolice: yourshipisfine: You have to be careful nowadays before diving into a new fandom, and sometimes pre-emptively block people and some fandoms just seem exhausting. I don’t know if big fandoms are a curse or a blessing, because on the one hand, you have a better chance of finding fellow sane people,… Continue reading No lie all the discourse has me clinging to my old fandom of Death Note. At least back then nobody argued like this about ships, if it were around today people would be fighting about Nears age or some shit and I hate it. I don’t want to be in new fandoms anymore with all the fighting.

nekojitachan: Okay, let me state that this isn’t me knocking the TFC books at all, I love these books (obviously). But this is something that has bugged me since TRK and even more as I delve into writing Raven!Neil and anything set in Evermore and the Nest – the Nest’s sixteen hour days. We know… Continue reading

systlin: ella-raene: systlin: beautifultoastdream: systlin: GUYS THEY FIGURED OUT THE ROMAN CONCRETE RECIPE THAT MAKES IT IMMUNE TO SEAWATER EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I KNOW RIGHT?!??? I can’t help but feel this is one of those things where we had actual documents saying “it was done with this and this”, and some old rich white guys looked… Continue reading

Why do you think the fandom latched on the idea that Jason is super cultured despite his rough demeanor? The amusing contrast? Or was their something in the comics that showed him and Alfred bonding differently than the others?

cornflakepizza: the-crimson-question: renaroo: Jason over all acts very sophisticated, speaks in a very elaborate manner, frequently uses undertones and coded language to distract or leave clues, and is over all prone to holding his helmet like Yorick’s sull. But more than that, it’s that there are clues throughout his time as Red Hood. He sends… Continue reading Why do you think the fandom latched on the idea that Jason is super cultured despite his rough demeanor? The amusing contrast? Or was their something in the comics that showed him and Alfred bonding differently than the others?










Oh Billy, you look so small right there…

Superman’s sheer anger over Billy Batson’s situation is a sight to behold. Batman and Robin get away with it because he knows it’s the world’s best internship and that Bruce is willing to put out all the stops to protect him. But Billy? He doesn’t have anyone looking out for him. And that pisses off Superman more than anything.

Seriously, Clark’s face here

He is ready to kick the ass of whoever put this boy in this situation SO HARD

Next page he really lets the Wizard Shazam have it.

Shit, son. I might have to buy this book for those last two panels alone.

When Superman is written well he is an amazing goddamned character.

these few pages are some of my favourite in comic book history. So good. For anyone wondering what the next few pages look like, here you go:







This is a bigger deal than some of you might think, because Superman is one of the heroes in the DC Universe who keeps his secret identity pretty damn secret, because as probably the most powerful and influential person on earth, a lot of people do not wish him well – and would jump at the chance to hold people dear to him as leverage.

Yet, he trusts this poor, scared little kid. To comfort him, and entrust him with his biggest secret – just as Billy did for him.

Superman is just really important, ok?

this for people to truly understand superman


Wait, people are still arguing about Jason’s level of academic interest??? I haven’t even made it through his Robin run yet and even I know he was a Professional Nerd. Like, I don’t necessarily disagree with him learning a trade but I feel like it would be secondary to his education.

lysical: Of course they are.  I mean, it doesn’t help that modern batwriters often treat Jason badly, but even in new 52 there are still moments where everyone is reminded that Jason Todd is canonically a giant nerd.  And of course there’s room for headcanons of Jason picking up a trade. He did it in… Continue reading Wait, people are still arguing about Jason’s level of academic interest??? I haven’t even made it through his Robin run yet and even I know he was a Professional Nerd. Like, I don’t necessarily disagree with him learning a trade but I feel like it would be secondary to his education.

ilvermorny: Bruce’s reaction to Jason’s death: shocked to the core. couldnt be consoled. still isn’t over it.  Bruce’s reaction to Damian’s death: couldnt go one issue without mentioning it for two years. Bruce’s reaction to Tim’s death: tim drake? drake? like the rapper?