nekojitachan: Okay, let me state that this isn’t me knocking the TFC books at all, I love these books (obviously). But this is something that has bugged me since TRK and even more as I delve into writing Raven!Neil and anything set in Evermore and the Nest – the Nest’s sixteen hour days. We know… Continue reading


My piece for @giveyourbacktome-zine huge thanks to everyone who bought it, u guys rock!!! and you still can buy it here  (all benefits will go to the UK charity The Albert Kennedy Trust which support British LGBT teens who are homeless or live in a hostile environment)

(1/3) If you down to still talk about tfc, I have something on my mind. What do you think of Andrew’s “Don’t ask the question you already know the answer to”? Was it trust-I believe at this point Andrew trusted enough of Neil, with Kevin and everything that had happened. Was he trusting Neil to not ask for things Andrew won’t and can’t give?-mixed with a challenge if Neil could make Andrew say yes to his offer mixed with also that self-destructive instinct that made Andrew made Neil put his

evil-diabolical-oops: (2/3) hand on him 4 months after Drake mixed with the expectation that Neil would fail this so Andrew can tell himself he’s a pipedream after all? or is it something else entirely? I know the fandom are throwing the idea that Andrew would give the world and more for Neil, but I just… Continue reading (1/3) If you down to still talk about tfc, I have something on my mind. What do you think of Andrew’s “Don’t ask the question you already know the answer to”? Was it trust-I believe at this point Andrew trusted enough of Neil, with Kevin and everything that had happened. Was he trusting Neil to not ask for things Andrew won’t and can’t give?-mixed with a challenge if Neil could make Andrew say yes to his offer mixed with also that self-destructive instinct that made Andrew made Neil put his


Here’s my piece for the @giveyourbacktome-zine! I wanted to do so much more…lordy, I have storyboards for 20 pages of this, but I ended up redoing these pages last minute.

The whole zine looks so amazing, so many fantastic artists and such good scenes (aaah the angst, i love it), and a great cause. Seriously, this fandom is tiny and so impressively good at raising money for charity. Anyways, I had a blast doing this and reliving these scenes, check out the zine!


Working on this zine was by far the most fun I’ve had while drawing. I’m incredibly proud of how this project turned out so consider buying here! All proceeds go to charity 
