
Who’s happy these two are finally going to meet? I know I am. Now, the only thing that would make this better is for them to talk to each other in Spanish.

In CW2 #1, Tony is toasting their victory with a soda, but Carol is toasting with champagne. Has her past alcoholism been addressed since it was a big issue? Not trying to nitpick, it caught my attention because she asked Tony about drinks after the fight.

brianmichaelbendis: neither tony or carol are drinking alcohol. promise.  its a point going forward. 


Okay, let’s go.  

Short version: the comic is a WTF cliffhanger that would not be half as bad without the PR push around it, and creators should learn to keep their mouths shut and let the work speak for itself– especially before the whole work is out.

So: the outrage in light of the PR around the comic is warranted. But I don’t think the outrage would be as strong without it. The PR is what created the outrage.

Long Version with spoilers below:

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knightinironarmor: !!!!! COLLEGE TONY STARK – and the lusciousness of his shoulder-length hair – college!tony who is in London because it keeps him away from home – who pays his way through college and hasn’t talked to howard in four months – who gets uncomfortable when people around him are raucously drunk – who’s one… Continue reading

knightinironarmor: knightinironarmor: no offense but avengers 5 is full of shit re: tony tony, at the very very VERY least, would have listened to everything that kamala had to say before kicking her off the team what the fuck tony stark knows what it’s like to be unfairly accused  and not actually listened to/believed in… Continue reading